Experiences of an American woman who was married to a Serb.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Join the Discussion: New Facebook Group 'Married to a Serb Expat '

I've started a Facebook Group for people who are married (or going out with) expatrioted Serbs. Actually you could be an ex-pat Serb yourself, or a foreigners living in Serbia, or any one of many other Serb-related combinations... So far more than two dozen people have joined and we're already discussing on the message board and posting bios and stuff.

Like all Facebook applications, it's totally free.

Specific Instructions:

#1. If you are not on http://www.facebook.com already, create a free account for yourself. You can create a profile of yourself which friends who you've selected can see. You can get emails and other contacts from Facebook members who are your friends. And you can join groups.

#2. After you log in, click on the left, "applications" list where it says "Groups".

#3. In the search box at the top of the Groups home page, enter the words: Married to a Serb Expat

#4. The group summary should appear. Click on the blue headline name of the group to go to the grouyp homepage.

#5. Join the group by clicking on the join link in the list of activities at the right of the page.

Optional: If you'd like to be Facebook Friends with me, search for my name in Facebook and then use the add to friends option.

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